Thursday 8 January 2009

november 29th 08 cardiff party night..

Wake up after a week of vampires rock gigs at emilys as last night when we got dropped off at hers at 3am my car wouldnt start, the funny thing is i said exactly that on the way home, i keep doing this lately, im sure im psychic, maybe its since partying with ian lawman maybe he passed on some skills haha anyway i ended up sleeping at emilys and getting up late as we were both shattered from touring. we tried to jump start my car but it was having none of, i wouldnt care on a normal day but i was going to cardiff to stay with annie and adam and had planned it weeks ago. after checking train times which were pointless i borrowed my brothers car and set off finally for my night of catching up and partying that id been looking forward to for ages. Got there about 8 and sat with them watching tv, chatting and drinking while we waited for rob, mag and paul to arrive. think me and annie were pretty drunk by the time they got there and after us all getting carried away chatting we realised it was 1am and we better get a move on. we had got tickets for eric prydz so off we went for a bit of a dance. the club was rammed so didnt stay too long after all and went back to the house to party on our own until i called it quits at 7am!! great night with a great bunch of people, i always have fun with these lot, its just a shame they live so far away..

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