Tuesday 18 November 2008

october 23rd huddersfield

Take sarah to vamps with me today to bedworth, we got lost though and ended up in coventry.. not a great start! we finally got there and chilled out backstage before the show, we were partying in huddersfield tonight where she is from so thats why she came. that and she cant get enough of the show haha shes seen it about 3 times already and bought a dog tag tonight so she can promote us bless her! After the gig we run off asap to head back to the hudd' as were going out tonight with my bro, his mates from uni there and pritch and the guys as they had a pritchard vs dainton gig there.
we got to the camel club where we were meeting everyone around 12.30am and got stuck into partying!! me,sarah and paddy danced on the speakers while the rest of them partied in the office with the managers who were lovely and really looked after us all. we stayed until the club ended and was totally smashed and loving it so much decided we didnt want to leave so the guys from the club let us have a a lock in until around 6am which was great fun! lots of booze lots of dancing and stupidity continued until around 6am when we thought it was best to call it a night. i was pretty gone but managed to help pritch to our lift to the hotel where i made him and hudge promise me we could play acdc's black ice when we got back to the room, i felt well rough in the car but for some reason that kept me goin haha. pritch went to the garage for cigs and came out with more booze, mentalist that he is. we chilled to black ice as promised for a while before bed. i had a vamps show the day after in birmingham i must be mad and the guys were going to ireland for their tour too so no rest for the wicked and with that party time was over for another night.
me and mathew..still sober
with hudge rockin out!!
sarah and my bro
all that jazz!!
oops..taxi for two..

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