Monday, 8 February 2016

Brian Mayne Goal Mapping workshop

Had a great day on Saturday, was lucky enough to attend a workshop with the amazing Brian Mayne. If you haven't heard about him I would definitely check him out. Especially if your in to positivity, interested in how your brain works, goals, going for your dream life or need a kick up the ass it's great! It just make sense and his techniques are based on science so if your sceptical about this sort of thing but could do with a positivity boost then he's the man for you! 
The last hour was spent creating our own goal maps which was not only great fun and enlightening but I also laughed lots!! Mainly at my dodgy drawing. My map is full of matchstick men, it's fair to say it looked like I did it in play school but hey as long as it still works it's all good! 

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