Friday, 18 July 2008

zelda's burlesque classes - performance

After a rubbish weekend with one gig pulling out due to a series of events and breaking down on the motorway Sunday and missing our residency slot at Proud Galleries Camden I wasnt in the happiest of places monday morning but by monday evening thanks to a certain group of special ladies I was back in high spirits. For the past 7 weeks I have been teaching burlesque at Sunshine Studios in Manchester and though the group that was set to perform was small it was very sweet.
They did two group numbers with a solo routine inbetween courtesy of our very own GK Sophia, a small venue- the very elegant Tiger Lounge and small crowd but everyone absolutely loved it so it was definately mission accomplished!!

The next course will start next month, if your a total beginner or experienced the classes are fun, email me if you want to take part or need info, they are most likely to be running on a tues evening at sunshine studios.. zelda
me and the ladies, im the least glamorous one in the middle!!

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